i spent a day with limbaugh. i was biased I admit, and i imagined limbaugh would be evil, but i did not find him that way and he was respectful to me and funny. I was quite aware i was playing hardball with someone who plays hardball. off-air, i could see through his veneer- there was a black man limbaugh worked with, and he was not so kind to him when the audience wasn’t listening. it was manipulative and painful to watch. In the afternoon, an older man appeared, whom Limbaugh left to speak to privately. I only saw the man at a distance, our eyes met, and sent a chill up my spine. This man was full-on-evil. His stare, his eyes, reminded me of that famous photograph of Joseph Goebels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, taken in 1933 by Alfred Eisenstadt at the moment that Goebels found out Eisensadt was Jewish. I took this portrait after Limbaugh’s meeting with this man. A few years later, i found out this man was Roger Ailes.

Tony Laughing, Mohawk, fought for sovereignty for the Mohawk people and Mohawk Nation by building the largest casino on the St. Regis Indian Reservation. He was also involved in a cigarette and liquor smuggling operation worth $687 million. Laughing pleaded guilty to gambling, racketeering, and money laundering charges and ended up serving time in Federal Prison. Had Laughing’s Sovereignty challenge to the US government’s authority held, he would not have served a day in prison, the casino would have remained open, and his cigarette and liquor operation would have been considered a legitimate import/export business.

Vermeij, who is blind, is one of the world’s foremost experts in seashells. His understanding and research on the subject are considered revolutionary. He uses his sense of touch to study the shape and surface features of shells.

this desert village on the outskirts of lima is long paved over and disappeared today. back in the day, they said this was just the kind of place where the sendero luminoso are born and raised. the photograph is my homage to palomar, love and rockets.

i spent a day with limbaugh. i was biased I admit, and i imagined limbaugh would be evil, but i did not find him that way and he was respectful to me and funny. I was quite aware i was playing hardball with someone who plays hardball. off-air, i could see through his veneer- there was a black man limbaugh worked with, and he was not so kind to him when the audience wasn’t listening. it was manipulative and painful to watch. In the afternoon, an older man appeared, whom Limbaugh left to speak to privately. I only saw the man at a distance, our eyes met, and sent a chill up my spine. This man was full-on-evil. His stare, his eyes, reminded me of that famous photograph of Joseph Goebels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, taken in 1933 by Alfred Eisenstadt at the moment that Goebels found out Eisensadt was Jewish. I took this portrait after Limbaugh’s meeting with this man. A few years later, i found out this man was Roger Ailes.
Tony Laughing, Mohawk, fought for sovereignty for the Mohawk people and Mohawk Nation by building the largest casino on the St. Regis Indian Reservation. He was also involved in a cigarette and liquor smuggling operation worth $687 million. Laughing pleaded guilty to gambling, racketeering, and money laundering charges and ended up serving time in Federal Prison. Had Laughing’s Sovereignty challenge to the US government’s authority held, he would not have served a day in prison, the casino would have remained open, and his cigarette and liquor operation would have been considered a legitimate import/export business.
Vermeij, who is blind, is one of the world’s foremost experts in seashells. His understanding and research on the subject are considered revolutionary. He uses his sense of touch to study the shape and surface features of shells.
this desert village on the outskirts of lima is long paved over and disappeared today. back in the day, they said this was just the kind of place where the sendero luminoso are born and raised. the photograph is my homage to palomar, love and rockets.